Last Updated - 12 February 2025

Weekly Roundup 16 August 2017

Weekly Roundup 16 August 2017


Little bit late with the roundup this week due to some holidays.


There’s been 111 updates since the last post. 55 plugins, 20 themes and 36 WooCommerce extensions. There’s a new YITH extension, 2 Gravity Forms and a LearnLMS integration with SamCart which looks an interesting alternative to WooCommerce or Shopify.


In other news we’re having a competition! 1st prize is an annual subscription to the GPL Vault and 3 runners up will each receive a monthly subscription. If you’re an existing subscriber then you can still enter because if you’re a winner then we’ll just extend your existing subscription.

It’s free to enter and you can enter a number of times just by performing some basic tasks like following us on Twitter/Facebook – that kind of thing.

The link is here: GIVEAWAY!

Price Increase

Just to let you know that we intend to raise the price of the monthly subscription in the next few days although the annual subscription will remain broadly the same, making it even better value.

The current subscription amount was always intended to be an introductory price when we launched last year.

Due to the cost involved in renewing licenses to the plugins and themes, as well as continuing to bring new products into the site, we felt that a price increase was needed. This time last year we had just over 1000 plugins on the site, now we have close to 1500. More plugins = higher running costs 🙁

A couple of points to note:

  • We will not be raising the price for current subscribers.
    As long as you maintain your existing subscription then you will remain at that level. If your subscription lapses then you will need to resubscribe at the higher price.
    So, the price increase will only affect new or returning subscribers. If you’re not a current subscriber then now’s your chance to jump on before it’s too late!
  • We have previously had to charge VAT to European customers. This is now changing. There will be no more VAT added to orders. So if you are based in Europe then you will now pay a flat rate, same as the rest of the World.

Thanks for your support. Any questions please contact us.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

GPL Vault