Last Updated - 21 October 2024

Retiring legacy themes and plugins

Retiring legacy themes and plugins


We’ve taken some time this weekend to do some housekeeping and noticed that a number of themes and plugins hadn’t been updated for almost a year.

After doing a bit of detective work it turns out that the following plugins and themes have either been retired, will no longer be updated or are simply available for free from the website.


Retired Ultimate Facebook
Retired The Google+ Plugin
Retired Questions and Answers
Retired Wiki Pro
Retired WHMCS MU Provisioning
Retired WHMCS WP Integration
Retired Multi-DB
Retired Ning To BuddyPress
Retired Classifieds
Retired Directory
Retired Easy Blogging


Retired Appply WooCommerce Theme
Retired Athena WooCommerce Theme
Retired MyStile WooCommerce Theme
Retired Duo WooCommerce Theme
Retired Bizznizz WooCommerce Theme
Retired Argentum WooCommerce Theme
Retired Fashionable WooCommerce Theme
Retired Currents WooCommerce Theme
Retired Kaboodle WooCommerce Theme
Retired Maximize WooCommerce Theme
Retired Merchant WooCommerce Theme
Retired Olya WooCommerce Theme
Retired On Topic WooCommerce Theme
Retired Pixelpress WooCommerce Theme
Retired Shelf Life WooCommerce Theme
Retired Show Off WooCommerce Theme
Retired SMPL WooCommerce Theme
Retired Statua WooCommerce Theme
Retired Stitched WooCommerce Theme
Retired Simplicity WooCommerce Theme

WooCommerce Plugins:

Retired WooCommerce Amazon FPS Gateway WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce Ambassador WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce Clockwork SMS Notification WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce Compare Products Pro WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce jPlayer Product Sampler WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce Mad Mimi Email Marketing WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce Nochex UK Gateway WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce Order Status Change Notifier WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce Product Support WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce Skrill WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce Terms and Conditions Popup WooCommerce Extension
Retired WooCommerce UserVoice Integration WooCommerce Extension

The WPMU DEV plugins are available to anyone who still wants them from their Github repo which can be found here:

The full list of the themes WooCommerce have retired in the last few years is available here:

and they’ve already announced that in the future that the only new themes they will produce will be child themes for the Storefront theme. So expect to see a few more retirements later this year.

The WooCommerce Extensions have either been retired or in the case of Skrill can now be found on the repo for free.

The future

There’s a danger when you run a site like ours that you start chasing numbers. We say in a few places how we have 1400+ items available to download and there’s always that temptation that 1500, 1600, 1700 and so on ‘looks better.’ But if you scratch the surface and find that a number of those plugins or themes are out of date, expired, retired or no longer updated then having a ‘big number’ is meaningless.

We’re aware that we have a couple of other theme shops on the site that have not been updated in a while, such as Themezilla. What we are looking to achieve is swapping out the redundant stock and replacing it with plugins and themes that are maintained and bang up to date.

There will be a few changes to the site appearing over the next couple of weeks as we make that transition, including a powerful internal search engine that will find you what you need in seconds.

Other News

Don’t forget to cast your vote in this months requests, just a few days left to go – the page is here:

Please remember to vote only once for something. We operate 1 member = 1 vote. It’s the fairest way. Double votes will not be counted – we know who you are!!!

Also remember that we have a competition ongoing – – there’s about 2 weeks left to go, it’s simple enough to enter and you can win yourself either an annual or monthly subscription. You do need to leave us your email address though, not so that we can spam you because we won’t but simply so we can contact you if you win!



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